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Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Do you know that Candles ... when combined with prayer and faith, can produce miracles !

Candle burning goes as far back as the ancient Egyptians. They were not used by the Egyptians just for light, they also used them in forms of prayer and ritual. From ancient times all the way up to the present time candles are widely used in the practice of rituals and prayers. When you go into a church there are candles burning on the alter and it is certainly not because the priest needs some light. We see candles at weddings when they are lit to ensure a long happy marriage. They are even burned at funerals in honor of the dead. Candles have a special energy and power to them, a power that many are not aware of!

People light candles for prayer and that is OK. Some think when a candle is lit to help bring a little love into your life then it is considered spell casting and therefore evil or even black magic. Well that is NOT at all the case. A Spell is simply an intention that is put out into the universe. Whether it be a simple prayer at bed time or lighting a candle at church for your sick family member, it is still a Spell. Even though your own thoughts can create your own future, candles bring more of a charge to that intent. This is why it is important to always project positive energy and positive thoughts, it affects our energy and our lives. 

You can get this colored candles, 9 different colors here at 

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