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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Rose of Jericho, Rosa de Jerico

Today I put the Rose of Jericho Flower in my Altar again, I use to have one long time ago, when I use to be living in Puerto Rico but for some reason, I don't know why, I did not place one again in my altar until today! 

It looks so Beautiful! I just Like the smell of it!! It's Amazing how this dry Plant, Flower?! That is also call the resurrection flower Comes back to its green Color after it gets in contact with the water! Wow, it just crazy!! How Mother Nature could be! It amaze me everyday!! I just Love it! 

This Amazing Plant can also be use for spells of Love and Luck because of its resurrection benefits! It's a excellent gift from Nature for us the work the crafts.

Can you believe it can go dry fro many many years it don't matter how long! 

Place one in your altar like I did! In a white plate with some water, I change the water Everyday!!! Otherwise it gets Smelly! You don't want that in your spiritual altar ,so please make sure you cleanse the water everyday!

If you want to get one you can  come to visit our website

Check out our shop Amazing Magical Spells 


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