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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Incense, Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal excellent to purify the energy of spaces, places and objects.

Burning of incense is one of the most ancient customs in religious and spiritual practice. In fact its probably the oldest custom in humanity’s history. When early man gathered around his fire the smell of aromatic woods, herbs and leaves was so pleasing he decided the fragrance would also be pleasing to the Gods. In early religious practice it symbolized the prayers of the faithful rising to Gods and Goddesses. Since ancient times incense has been used throughout the world to purify, create the proper atmosphere, change a mood and facilitate meditation or religious practice.

Copal incense is completely natural incense that is used to purify the energy of spaces, places and objects. It has a clean, light, woody scent that could be compared to pine or turpentine. One of the best copal uses is burning it to clear away all the negative energy and make positive changes. It brings a very positive and loving energy that will fill your home with peaceful energies. We use copal resin and incense as part of our jewelry cleansing and activation process in our sacred healing room.

Frankincense is a gum resin with a strong, resinous odor. There are 52 references of Frankincense in the bible. Frankincense is still used today in religious ceremonies and in treating various health problems. It needs no mixing or blending with other ingredients. You may choose to grind the frankincense prior to use or apply as is . It is excellent for protection, purification, consecration, exorcism, spiritual cleansing, meditation, etc. Frankincense is one of the most popular incense in the world. When in doubt as to what incense to use you cannot go wrong with Frankincense.


Myrrh is an aromatic gum resin. It has been a popular resin and is mentioned in the bible over 22 times. It was used in religious rituals, embalming and as treatment for many serious diseases such as, syphilis, leprosy, cancer, etc. Its modern uses include, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, skin conditions, etc. For its spiritual value use as incense to bless, consecrate and purify persons, places and things. Use Myrrh to enhance all of your rituals. When you need to spiritually cleanse, eliminate negative influence , or attract blessings , use this ancient holy incense with confidence.

Three Kings

ThreeKings is a blend of Frankincense, Myrrh, Red and Black Benzoin. It is used for protection, spirituality and prosperity. Benzoin is a herb of purification, burned in incense to sanctify an area. Benzoin is a herb of purification, burned in incense to sanctify an area. It also awakens the conscious mind. Burn to purify, protect, for prosperity, for astral projection or to increase mental powers.


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1 comment:

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    Herbal Incense
