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Friday, March 6, 2015

Sage, White Sage Smudge Spiritual, Purifying energies, Altar Tool

 White Sage Smudge Spiritual, Purifying energies, Altar Tool, Spiritual cleansing Sage is a powerful herb which is held sacred in many religions due to its effective purifying energies. This small evergreen shrub is used in kitchen as herb for cooking and as herbal medicine due to its anti-biotic, anti-fungal and antispasmodic properties. It heals by bringing the patient back in to balance and cleanses the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. This potent herb has been used for thousands of years in several rituals and ceremonies. It is used in cleansing rituals to establish positive energy, clarity of thoughts and healing.

Spiritual cleansing with herbs or smudging clears away any negative energy, thoughts and bad feelings and helps in clearing one's body's aura. Spiritual cleansing with sage is done for protection against evil and negativity. Smudging is a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition in which herbs are burned for emotional, psychic and spiritual purification. The effectiveness of smudging is based on the theory that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space to be regenerated.

Smudging is also effective when you are very angry, unwell, depressed or resentful or when had a fight with closed one.

Performing a sage cleansing ritual for driving off negative energy from your home is not difficult. You just have to prepare yourself with some ingredients required to perform the ritual and gain knowledge about the entire procedure. To perform spiritual house cleansing with sage you will need.

White Sage, ceramic bowl or a large candle holder, matches, native music (if you desired)

Before starting the ritual, you have to mentally and physically distract yourself and concentrate on the smudging process.

The first step involves de-cluttering the space and making a peaceful environment in the room by switching off all the electronic gadgets. Take several deep breaths and bring your mind in a relaxed and positive state.

Once you have reached a positive frame of mind, prepare the sage for burning. The white sage for smudging is available in the form of wrapped long bundle. If you have loose sticks of white sage, place a handful of sage in the earthen bowl. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and light the end of the sage stick. Hold it in upward position and say your prayers, chants or requests for positive energy to cast out of any negativity. Visualize a bright light within yourself that will provide you shield against dark forces and negative energy. Offer the smoke of the sage smudge in all the directions of the house. Slowly, carry the smudge in the entire room to make sure smoke reaches every corner. Walk through the entire house, around the edges of the wall, corners of the frames of the doors and windows, bathrooms and your closets. Make sure you are handling the bowl safely, taking care of clothes in your closet and curtains. You can also use a large feather to fan the smoke in distant areas of your house.

Throughout the ritual, you have to focus on positive energy and recite prayers and chants. You may have chants or any soothing music in the background. Once you have completed the spiritual cleansing process of the entire home, extinguish the remaining sage bundle and you can save it for future use.

A good general purpose smudge is sage (Salvis Apaina), because it is a healing plant. It is known to create an atmosphere of protection and security, immortality and longevity. Sage when burned has the effect of transforming the atomic structure of the air it affects, and the living creatures who are breathing that air. There are a variety of sages that can be used in a sacred space cleansing ritual.


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